Checklist Output

Team Player Card Set Card Number Print Run
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonBase7Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonBlue71
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonCrown Jewels6Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonCrown Jewels Blue6Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonCrown Jewels Green6Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonCrown Jewels Red6Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonDie Cut Printing Plates Black71
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonDie Cut Printing Plates Cyan71
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonDie Cut Printing Plates Magenta71
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonDie Cut Printing Plates Yellow71
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonCommon0Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonCommon0Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonCommon0Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonCommon0Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonGold799
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonGold Holofoil725
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonGreen75
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonKnights and Squires Blue4Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonKnights and Squires Red4Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonMaster Craftsmen7Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonMaster Craftsmen Blue7Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonMaster Craftsmen Green7Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonMaster Craftsmen Red7Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonPurple710
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonRetail Black71
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonRetail Blue Holofoil7199
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonRetail Bronze7Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonRetail Pink710
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonRetail Platinum75
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonRetail Red799
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonRetail Red Holofoil725
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonSilver Holofoil7199
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonThe King's Court Blue13Not #d
Detroit LionsCalvin JohnsonThe King's Court Red13Not #d